The Films of Fincher — Part 1: Se7en (1995)

Adam Kline
3 min readNov 23, 2020

In anticipation of David Fincher’s new film, Mank, I am revisiting and reflecting on (almost) his entire filmography.

One sure sign of a great film is when with the second viewing, even though you know all the twists and turns, even though you know what or who to look for, the experience of the story is still just as thrilling and intense. Such is the case with David Fincher’s breakout film, Se7en, starring Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman, Gwyneth Paltrow and Kevin Spacey. Written by Andrew Kevin Walker, Se7en, is a notably dark and gruesome detective drama…



Adam Kline

Canadian. Pastor. Husband. Father. Cinephile.